Multnomah County Family Court Services
The mission of Multnomah County Family Court Services is to reduce the trauma of separation and divorce to children and families and to aid in maintaining and developing healthy and nurturing parent-child relationships.
Child Support Enforcement: 503.988.3150
City/County Information line: 503.823.4000
Community & Family Services: 503.988.3691
Court Arbitration: 503.988.3830
Family Court Self Help Center: 503.988.4003
Family Court Services: 503.988.3189
Family Law: 503.988.4003
Juvenile Court: 503.988.3460
Legal Aid Multnomah County Office: 503.224.4086
Men's Resource Center: 503.235.3433
Multnomah County District Attorney Support Enforcement Division: 503.248.3150
Multnomah County General Information: 503.823.4000
Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (service of documents questions): 503.255.3600
Parent Education Program: 503.988.3037
St. Andrew Legal Clinic: 503.281.1500
Women's Crisis Clinic: 503.235.5333